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This website www.egpenner.com and its contents are the exclusive property of EG Penner Building Centres LTD., having its head office located at 200 Park Road West, Steinbach (Manitoba) R5G 1A1 (hereinafter: “EG Penner”). Your use of this website and any transactions made on this website are subject to the present terms of use.


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No element of this website shall be interpreted as creating, implicitly or expressly, a licence or a right of use or of duplication of any and all trademark, except with the express written consent of EG Penner or of any other party susceptible to own any such trademark. EG Penner enforces its intellectual property rights to the full extent prescribed by law.


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The products and articles displayed on this website are products and articles offered for sale in Canada by EG Penner and its subsidiaries, affiliates, members or business partners. EG Penner uses its best efforts to provide an accurate description of the products or articles offered for sale. EG Penner does not guarantee the exactitude, completeness or reliability of these descriptions, including any indication related to the price of a product or of an article. EG Penner declines any liability for any and all inaccuracy, error or omission in the information contained on this website in relation with the products and articles offered for sale by EG Penner, including their prices. EG Penner reserves the right to make any changes at any time and without notice. The information related to these products and articles may be changed, replaced or deleted at any time and without notice by EG Penner.

EG Penner declines any liability for any inaccuracy, error or omission in relation with the tips, advice and projects contained on this website or in relation with any delay in their transmission or delivery. The information included on this website is the best we could obtain on all the subjects covered. EG Penner, its subsidiaries, affiliates, members and business partners decline any and all liability for any direct or indirect bodily or material injury which could result from work initiated and based on the directions contained on this website or resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the information contained on this website.


The website visitors have the possibility to review and comment products and projects available online to share their user experience with other visitors. The comments are subject to (moderation) and not published immediately after being submitted by the visitor. Only the information included in the “Surname” field in the EG Penner spce is divulged on the website. A delay of a few days is (prévisible) prior to a visitor’s comment being published. EG Penner reserves the right to not publish any comment that is judged offensive or not pertinent.


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